
Knives & Blade HIRE

Prop Bladed Weapons are for HIRE only

BloodyStuff design all our own knife and bladed props and effects.  From a replica knife or sword, blunted safety replicas, stunt/action safe props and our Practical Effects, such as stab kits and blood knives/syringes.
We have perfected a unique design called Super-safe, allowing action/stunt knives to stay rigid during the action, whilst the blade is so soft as to minimise risk of injury.   Stunt knives and props should only be used by experienced actors and stunts persons.

Please don't hesitate to contact us if you cannot find the weapon you require.

Replica & Stunt Safe Knives & Blades Catalogue

Practical Effects - Blood Knives/syringes and Stab Kits Catalogue

BloodyStuff PracticalFX
Blood Carving Knife video
BloodyStuff PracticalFX
Blood Cut-throat video
BloodyStuff PracticalFX
Blood Scalpel video
BloodyStuff PracticalFX
Blood Historical Knife video
GoTo all Weapons

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